
Friday, July 20, 2012

Awesome sleep in this morning - didn't get out if bed until 10.30am. We (Chels, Ness and Jax) went to a cafe called Lily's for lunch then for a relaxing walk along the rhine and ended up at a park where we sat and rested for an hour. Cartwheels and rollie pollies did not go down well! 

The girls are now back in old positions and Shaana fit enough to march again! The team fixed issues from the previous nights performances - we had an awesome training! Hopefully we get our first 10 tonight. Fingers crossed!

Hat, skirts, vests and make up on - the only thing keeping Sara awake is the very loud annoying fifes practicing outside our window (musical instruments).
Time to clean our boots and for a run through of the display. 
Jackets on and final uniform check from Colleen -  we are ready to go!! 

Colleen surprised us with a side view of our display tonight which wasn't quite up to par so awarded us a 9.5.

Ate dinner in our uniforms again being careful not to spill on our WHITE jackets. 
Practiced our Maori songs for the producer etc. Shaana and Nani struggled to teach us really really white girls the actions - we had a few laughs.

Guess what.....we got our first 10/10 tonight with an awesome performance - minor glitches. Hopefully more 10s to come!

Curfew at 3pm tonight - Finnish band was playing again tonight. They know how to get the party started.

Jax, Ness &Chels

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