
Monday, July 16, 2012

Room 439, Sunday 15th July - Ernie, Munz (and Emma) reporting...

After a few hours at the cast bar and 6 hours sleep we had a 9.30 breaky with the worst eggs ever - who ever thought runny whites were ok??!! EWWW!! The amazing swiss muesli always hits the spot though and fuels us for our scheduled day at the tattoo.

Next stop - training, but let's not forget the music machine - Erina!! Skirts on, laces pulled and everyone's ready for Colleen's call, "by the centre, quick march and out and 3,4..." a constructive training was had by all, positive vibes were flowing and hows about our waving, who would have thought that learning to wave to an audience could be so difficult and funny?!

After training we headed back the basilisk (our hotel) to pack and prepare for our double header shows, along with some waiata practice thrown in the mix "tero a-ho" is not correct Ernie!!

To be honest, not our best performances tonight - one may have been flat and the other may have suffered a few "hiccups" in the final third, but still appreciated by the crowd and cast.

Time for a late diner in full uniform - arrgh - not the best time to be eating spag boll!! Followed by official photos with the NZ Army Band.

A few tired giggles between Ern, Munz and Emma and now were signing off at 11.30pm for a much needed early night.. Woo hoo!!!

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